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Writer: tongueandtonictongueandtonic

Acknowledgement & Navigation of your own Energy Field is instrumental in taking responsibility for your Physical, Emotional & Energetic aspects of self.

All Organic Lifeforms on this earth are Seeded from the Universe. All have an energetic Glow, some people see this glow as white light, colours or a moving + flowing energy matrix.

The toroidal field was first discovered by Michael Faraday, geophysicist in 1830, his area of study was electromagnetism. George Carr, Mathematician was the first to coin the term 'toroid', relating to the mathematical structure: the energetic donut shape.

Toroid fields have been studied & proven to exist around Tornado's, Earth, Aurora Borealis, Galaxy's, the Human body, our Heart and many more Organic expressions. This structure is emulated in electronic design, simple and complex networks & used in all power grids functioning today.

Does that mean your energy could power your own home?

Definitely a question to ponder.

To see your Auric field, stand against a white wall, relax into your theta state, use a mirror or view a fiends field, take time for this exercise, from 2mins - 20 mins, a relaxed state of consciousness, theta is essential. Having difficulty? Close your eyes and open your third eye harnessing your intuition to see the multihued auric colours.

The auric colours are linked to your chakra's. Being surrounded by red, orange & yellow indicates a grounded person who is living through their lower 3 chakra energies. When applying psychic senses the viewer would see a stronger element of purple, green, white & blue.

Have you had an auric photo taken?

The first auric field photographs were taken in 1939 by Semyon Davidovich Kirlian. The modern auric photography used today was developed in 1970 by Guy Coggins.

Auric Field of Water - Kirlian.  The white indicates an organic universal connection, the purple an intuitive connection & the blue is indicative of communication. Modern Scientist Veda Austin has shown how water is telepathic & communicates.  Have you spoken to your water recently?
Auric Field of Water - Kirlian. The white indicates an organic universal connection, the purple an intuitive connection & the blue is indicative of communication. Modern Scientist Veda Austin has shown how water is telepathic & communicates. Have you spoken to your water recently?
Auric Field of an Apple - Kirlian.  The white shows the organic universal connection, blue is nature reaching out to connect. The stem + tinges around the seeds are red showing links to the Earth
Auric Field of an Apple - Kirlian. The white shows the organic universal connection, blue is nature reaching out to connect. The stem + tinges around the seeds are red showing links to the Earth

Modern day auric photography.   The subject is housed in his communication and heart chakra connection.
Modern day auric photography. The subject is housed in his communication and heart chakra connection.

Force fields are readily discussed & described in physics & quantum particle physics. In a more popular + easily digestible concept the force field is depicted in our favourite super hero's + sci fi literature, comics, animation, live action; tv + film. Whatever you imagine is true in the quantum, so......imagine your force field in anyway that resonates with you.

Create through imagination a Protective + Supportive space, Nurturing elements, Balance, Grounding + deep Connection to yourself. When you are creating with the Universe, focus on Positive actions & capabilities for your force field leaving behind elements that cause harm to others. Consider using Elements from the Universe, Earth elements, creating & organising area's that store Energy or hold Energy from the outside so you can discern if you accept or reject that energy into your inner Sanctuary.

Sharing Energy

Those deeply in touch or tuned into energy that surrounds us all can often be referred to as Empathic. Empathic people are frequently labelled as Bi-polar. If your energy or emotion changes rapidly around other people you are absorbing their deep happiness, sadness or other emotions. When mixed in with your own emotions this can create confusion, distress & lead us to believe that something may be wrong. This circumstance is especially distressing in adolescents, commonly the age this diagnosis in Allopathic medicine is assigned.

Before embarking on the journey with medications that may cause dis-ease in your vital organs, try first to Accept Yourself as Sensitive & Gifted. Avoid drama & people with extreme or repressed emotions. Consider spending time with calm + ground people until you have mastered your force field & can discern rather then absorb emotions from others. Try grounding mats, sound healing, energy balance techniques, self acceptance, self acknowledgement, mantras to build self to self trust & present awareness. The writer herself has experienced life as a sensitive empath & using all of the above tools, inner sanctuary creation & support from her community she is thriving, applying her empathic gifts in her profession, motherhood & creation of spaces.

Join one of our classes, workshops or try a private session to expand your inner wisdom with guidance & support from our team at Tongue & Tonic. The writer has created meditation's which are available in our online store to cleanse your universal energy field. Download & try them in your own time. Private sessions can be held online or in person. For an in person session you can find Tongue & Tonic at 722 Glenhuntly Rd, Caulfield South, Victoria, Australia, 3162. We look forward to supporting your journey.

Article by Jemima Rose
Article by Jemima Rose

For Everyone
For Everyone



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